What Is NFS Injector - Download NFS Injector For Redmi Note 7 Pro

WARNING: NFS must not in any circumstances be combined with kernel tweaks, risk of conflicts.

In no case take into account the defamation of certain kernels devs, NFS is risk-free and totally systemless.



A magisk module which aims to improve kernel/RAM management, by using values between performance and battery savings. Flash, and forget.

This module aim to improve kernel/ram management between efficiency and energy-aware. Using a complex algorithm, it determines the most optimal settings between battery and performance for your device.
NFS improves your overall experience, as well as specifically enhances PUBG performance, Others Games also.

Very simple to use, You just install it and it will handle everything else. This tool is, in part proactive.
It takes heavily into account, the amount of memory on your device, to calculate the appropriate values.
Excellent multitasking and memory management.
Improve Standby, as well as screen battery life - A smooth and fluid, overall enhanced, user experience.

rkd devil
